Sugar, Honey, Or Jaggery – Which One Is Healthiest?
Sugar is considered an integral part of our life when it comes to food. After waking up, we grab a cup of coffee or tea with sugar. Then this process of sugar consumption continues the entire day either by adding it to tea or milk or by consuming it indirectly through various food products such…
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Running in India is not as common as in western countries or some African countries. Although it is not such a common exercise activity, areas like Gurugram, Delhi and National Capital Region (NCR) are the most preferred running in places in India. Here are some simple ideas you should know
If you have stuck to your nutrition plan for a week or more, you may be thinking about indulging in a cheat meal. In my experience – both as a coach and a living, breathing human being – we may even begin to daydream about a cheat meal as soon
Exercise We all know we should be doing it. It’s good for the heart, good for energy levels, and blah blah blah. But “exercise” remains a word most people dread to hear. “Do I have to go to the gym?” “Do I have to go running?” “Do I don’t have