Parul 15kgs weight loss postpregnancy

- Before weight 66 kgs
- After weight 51 kgs
Parul lost 15 Kgs post pregnancy 👇
Starting weight – 66 Kgs
Ending weight – 51 Kgs
“We all have to start somewhere, and doing something is better than nothing at all…😍
And here comes my journey which I have followed with full consistency and achieved my goal with the help of my husband Ankit ,Who is a coach with #myhealthbuddy 🥰
After delivering my child my weight went up very high, specially I was very much irritated with my #bellyfat which bothered me alot.
I was eager to start my #weightlossjourney Fortunately my husband Ankit works as a coach with MHB and finally I decided give a kick start to it .🙂
I was very happy since their approach towards #transformationjourney is awesome …
The journey was very easy for me as their #dietplans were flexible and workouts were home based and easy to follow….
I was able to enjoy my favorite food occasionally and always made sure to complete my #10ksteps.
Ankit always pushed me to be consistent whenever I felt demotivated. Now, i am so happy that I am able to reduce fat from all my trouble areas….now, I can fit into all my older clothes😊🥳
My heartful thanks to Ankit and the whole MyHealthBuddy team🥰🥰🥰”
– Parul (@ashinayak )