Chandni lost 12Kgs Weight

- Before weight 83
- After weight 63
- Duration 32 weeks
Name: Shouma Banerjee
Total Weight Loss: 20 Kgs (83 – 63 Kgs)
Duration: 32 weeks
Location: Kolkata
“This is my 2nd phase with @the_pink_of_health_with_arpita and MHB! Actually, I’ve even taken up 1 more month. This has been a long journey of 6 months. I’ve lost around 20kgs. I was #obese and now I’ve finally reached my ideal BMI. It has been a roller coaster journey.
I’ve lost considerable amount of fat and inches too. Funny part being, I’ve got an excuse to transform my wardrobe now! Nothing old fits me properly anymore!
A lot of health issues have also vanished and I feel so confident!
I don’t think I would have been able to do this without Arpita Di’s constant support and motivation!!
A heartfelt thanks to MHB! ❤️”