Khushi 10kgs weightloss postpartum

- Before weight 70 kgs
- After weight 60 kgs
Khushi lost 10 Kgs 👇 postpartum
Before weight: 70 Kgs
After weight: 60 Kgs
“Even after being a heavy eater I was always slim and fit.. Things started changing after my marriage and don’t how but I managed to gain around 20 kgs in just a year of my marriage.. Inactive lifestyle, hormonal changes, metabolism issue, unemployed, stress and don’t know how many things… I started blaming them all for my increasing weight and size and resulted in over eating, loosing confidence, anger issues..
All this continued for years but the good part was I knew that it’s not gonna be permanent..
And I got pregnant where the table turned again and even after having a cesarean delivery I was waiting for a miracle
Later I met Sana as my coach, no doubt I opted for her 🤗.. she really understand all my choices of foods as well as she also understood all the ups and downs in my personal life too.. She understands all my priorities.. In this whole journey she was my coach and a friend too.. I wasn’t that disciplined as I was occupied with a lot of stuffs like my job baby home family.. but she never gave up on me inspite she motivated me every single time and did her best.. Things were really smooth and amazing.. Together we acheived the first milestone but for me there’s more to go😜..
Thanks Sana and MHB.. The best decision ever..